With the help of saved replies categories/favorites, you can categorize and favorite your saved replies in conversation screens for ease of use.

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Step 1: To create saved replies categories, first go to the Settings page.

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Step 2: Click on the Saved Replies tab located on the settings page.

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Step 3: On the Saved Replies page, click on the Edit tab for your replies.

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Step 4: In the opened saved replies editing section, you can define a new category or select and add an already created category.

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Step 5: You can also create favorite replies by clicking the ❤ symbol on the replies found on the Saved Replies page.

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Step 6: After entering the conversation screen, you can see the categories you created by clicking on the response symbol in any conversation.

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You can view your favorite replies by selecting the category title they belong to and then reviewing the saved replies that appear.

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Step 7: Select any saved reply you desire to send your messages.