VoiceBot Integration Guide for Jetlink

Jetlink allows you to integrate a VoiceBot to handle customer calls and automate voice interactions. This guide walks you through the steps to set up and configure your VoiceBot in the Jetlink platform.
For connecting your phone number, you will need to reach out to the Jetlink support team.

How to Integrate VoiceBot: 

To manage your saved replies, navigate to:

Settings → Channels → VoiceBot or click here.

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Phone Number: To connect your phone number to the VoiceBot, please contact the Jetlink team.
This is a required step to get your VoiceBot functioning correctly.

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After that: 

Call Content Recording: If you want to store the call content as a voice recording, toggle on the "Call voice content should be stored" button. 

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Note: If you enable this feature, you can listen recorded voices on the conversation screen.

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Silence Threshold: Adjust the "Silence Threshold" to define how many seconds of silence will trigger the Voicebot to stop recording and recognize input. 

Voice Record Time:  Set the maximum duration (in seconds) for voice input recording. This setting determines the maximum length of audio the system will listen to before stopping.
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Speech-to-Text Integration: (OpenAI Whisper)

Speech-to-Text Type: Choose the "Speech-to-Text" integration type. The default option is "OpenAI Whisper". If you want to change this to "Google Speech-to-Text" please contact the Jetlink team.

Language: Select the language you want the VoiceBot to recognize (e.g., Turkish, English). 

Open AI Whisper Temperature: Adjust the "Open AI Whisper Temperature" to fine-tune how creative the model should be when processing input.

Whisper Prompt: (Optional): Add a custom OpenAI Whisper Prompt for specific speech recognition scenarios. This prompt can include phrases that users are likely to say within the chatbot, helping the STT model better recognize input. Maximum length up to 750 characters.

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Text-to-Speech Integration (OpenAI Whisper)

Select Text-to-Speech Type: Choose the "TSS Integration Service"  (OpenAI Whisper/Google Text-to-Speech) for converting text into speech responses.

TTS Model: Select the TTS model (OpenAI Whisper/Google Text-to-Speech).

Voice Type: Choose the type of voice for speech output.

Speech Speed: Adjust the "Speaking Rate" slider to control how fast the VoiceBot speaks.

and make other configurations according to your request.

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Message Settings:

End Speech Contents: Set the message that will be played before the call ends. (e.g., "Feel free to call us anytime. Have a good day."). (optional)

Continued Speech Contents: Set the message that will be played before the Voicebot response. (e.g., "I am processing your transaction, please wait") (optional) 

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Finalizing the Setup:

Once your phone number is connected by the Jetlink team and you've configured all the above settings, click "Save" to activate your VoiceBot. Your VoiceBot is now ready to handle and automate voice-based customer interactions.