Raw Data Report Headers Detailed Descriptions

The raw data report, which can be downloaded in Excel format, provides access to various types of information, including live support and chatbot data.

Below are detailed explanations of the headers in the raw data report. These headers will help you better understand important data related to both live support and chatbot interactions.

TicketNumber: The unique ID of the conversation. Each conversation conducted with Jetlink chatbot/live support has a unique ID, which can be found by searching in the Conversations screen.

ConversationStartDate: The date the chatbot user started the conversation, in the format of day-month-year, hour-minute-second.

UserMessageCount: The number of messages the user has sent to the chatbot.

BotMessageCount: The number of messages the chatbot has sent to the user. There may be multiple responses within one intent, so it could exceed the number of messages sent by the user.

AgentMessageCount: The number of messages sent by the agent in conversations that have been transferred to live support.

AgentAverageResponse: The agent's average response time in seconds.

IsAgentReplied: Stored as binary; 1 if the agent replied, 0 if they did not.

IsResolved: Stored as binary; 1 if the conversation was resolved, 0 if it was not.

ResolvedDate: The date the conversation was resolved, in the format of day-month-year, hour-minute-second.

ResolvedDuration sec.: The time from the user's first message to the moment the conversation was resolved, measured in seconds.

ResolvedBy: Indicates who resolved the conversation. It will show 'Jetbot' for conversations resolved by the chatbot or the agent's email for those resolved by an agent.

ResolvedByAgentName: The first name of the agent who resolved the conversation.

ResolvedByAgentSurname: The last name of the agent who resolved the conversation.

ResolveCategory: The resolution category determined by the chatbot.

ResolveType: Specifies whether the conversation was resolved by the chatbot, an agent, intent, or the user.

SurveyCategoricalEvaluation: The evaluation category selected by the user in post-conversation surveys.

SurveyFreeText: The free text feedback provided by the user in post-conversation surveys, aside from the selected categories.

IsAssigned: Stored as binary; 1 if the conversation was assigned to an agent, 0 if not.

AssignedTo: The email of the agent the conversation was assigned to.

AssignedToAgentName: The first name of the agent the conversation was assigned to.

AssignedToAgentSurname: The last name of the agent the conversation was assigned to.

AssignedDate: The date the conversation was assigned to an agent, in the format of day-month-year, hour-minute-second.

HumanTakeOverDate: The date the conversation was transferred from the chatbot to a live agent, in the format of day-month-year, hour-minute-second.

FirstResponseDate: The date the agent sent their first message in the conversation, in the format of day-month-year, hour-minute-second.

FirstResponseDuration sec.: The time between the start of the conversation and the agent's first response, measured in seconds.

HaveSurvey: Stored as binary; 1 if the user participated in the post-conversation survey, 0 if not.

SurveyScore: The score given by the user to the conversation, ranging from 1 (worst) to 5 (best).

ConversationLabels: Lists the label(s) assigned to the conversation.

Platform: The platform on which the conversation took place.

Channel: The channel through which the conversation took place. For example, a conversation conducted on a website platform might occur through different channels such as Before Login or After Login.

InitiatedFrom: The website address, phone number, or application from which the conversation was initiated.

UserId: The user ID assigned within the Jetlink panel, not visible to the user.

UserEmail: The user's email address obtained from the data collector, visible on the Conversations screen.

UserPhone: The user's phone number obtained from the data collector, visible on the Conversations screen.

UserName: The user's first name obtained from the data collector, visible on the Conversations screen.

UserSurname: The user's last name obtained from the data collector, visible on the Conversations screen.

UserGender: The user's gender obtained from the data collector, visible on the Conversations screen.

UserLastMessageText: The last message sent by the user before the conversation was resolved.

SourceUserId: The unique company/firm-based ID of a logged-in user.